Justice for the Innocent: Advocating for Medical Truth.

Legal notice:

It is in the public interest to know that there are influencers and celebrities out there who promoted the medical experiment and have no regrets about the medical experiment causing death and injury (evidence listed in this article).

If you are someone who promoted the medical experiment in any way, shape, or form and you want to apologise publicly on my podcast, please contact me.

If you are in a Class Action lawsuit against Medium, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook (Meta) or YouTube (Google) for their censorship of you, I would like to join that lawsuit as they have banned me from speaking the truth about the dangers of experimental ‘medication’.


In our journey towards spiritual awakening and heart-centered living, it's essential to question, explore, and understand the world around us. This piece delves into the medical experiment, offering insights from a place of deep introspection and genuine concern for humanity's well-being.

The Medical Experiment: A Shamanic Perspective

As we navigate the modern world, we often encounter situations that challenge our beliefs, values, and understanding. The medical experiment is one such situation. From a shamanic perspective, every experience, whether positive or negative, offers an opportunity for growth, learning, and deeper understanding.

 How can people pushing lethal injections for kids sleep at night? — Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) 12:43 AM ∙ Jan 26, 2023  

Seeking Truth in a World of Illusion

In our quest for truth, it's crucial to approach topics with an open heart and mind. The medical experiment, like many other global events, is layered with complexities. By seeking to understand rather than judge, we can find clarity and make informed decisions that align with our spiritual path.

The Power of Choice

Every individual has the divine right to make choices based on their intuition, knowledge, and inner guidance. Whether it's about the medical experiment or any other life decision, it's essential to honour and respect each person's journey and choices.

I said "no thanks" very politely for many months against all the Joseph Goebbels-style propaganda. I chatted with my father about it, he was ignoring all the BBC bullshit in the UK and we both said, "No thanks, Bill Snakes".

The government(s) harrassed us with lockdowns, masks, and forever 'quantitative statistics'.

The influencers and celebrities harassed us with lies.

 Question @jordanbpeterson - should you be allowed (in a free world) to call someone a 'psychopath' if they push a medical experiment on men, women, and children via marketing? — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 2:26 PM ∙ Jan 22, 2023  

 #Language #Law #jordanpeterson

psychopath - noun

especially: a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 2:38 PM ∙ Jan 22, 2023  

These groups of people now harass the public by admitting no fault or concern for the victims of the biggest (known) scam in human history.

 It's going to be interesting to see the bank accounts of celebs and influencers who were paid money to promote the medical experiment.

The justice system has a lot of work to do. — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 10:52 AM ∙ Jan 22, 2023  

I'm grateful for the few that fight against this pure insanity.

There was a point in 2020 when I just lost it. Nobody was listening to polite Steve. My whole family and friendship group were told they would be cut off if they chose Bill Snakes, including my parents, 3 younger brothers, and other close friends I had known for between 2 and 25 years (there were many of them). This certainly cut the wheat from the chaff. A few friends broke out into a truth circle and we kept on growing in number and now we are in our billions.

I've personally been banned from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, and had multiple warnings on Instagram and YouTube for breaching the policies of the WHO ('World Health Organisation').

 Anyone who shows no remorse for promoting the deadly medical experiment needs to be put into a mental institution and kept away from humanity.

They have redefined the word PSYCHOPATH for 2023. — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 4:52 PM ∙ Jan 30, 2023  

It is truly sad that none of these American social media companies do not care about the harm of this medical experiment.

Truth vs Lies That Have Maimed & Killed

Government propaganda is dangerous.

I was polite to people in 2020 with regard to their compliance with the government. In 2021, I wasn't polite to my close friends and family who were falling for it. I called them all pro-Bill Gates fascists because they were not fighting against this pure shit that was happening in front of their eyes. Most of my family members and former close friends are still extreme fascists in my opinion because they have done nothing to fight this. It's unfortunate, but it's the way it is.

 Who is worse?

1. Me for posting this meme video.

2. You for not listening to me since the beginning of 2020.

3. The people who promoted the medical experiment who are now laughing at the injured and dead.

Let me know! — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 9:39 AM ∙ Feb 9, 2023  

I genuinely would love to know what, as a society, we are supposed to call these types of people. Nazis? Psychos?

The larger problem can only be solved via justice in the legal system. It can also be solved with apologies and remorse from the people that pushed this on men, women, and children.

It's Time For Justice. We intend to change the law against misinformation for experimental ‘medications’. This is Nuremberg 2.0.

It's about time justice was put on trial around the world. I'll be fighting in the courts against those who have trespassed against me and I encourage others to do the same. RIP to my friends and family who have died of the vaccine. I know too many at this point.

I have also asked people like Martin Howlings from Expats.cz why he was following the government propaganda. I have asked Mark Zuckerberg, David Beckham, Twitter, LinkedIn, and numerous other individuals why they have done this. None have responded.

It is deeply, deeply sad that there is no remorse from any of the people who have pushed a medical experiment that has gone on to harm people in horrific ways.

There were tens of thousands of celebrities and influencers who went hard on the promotion of this medical experiment.

May God win all the battles for the brave of heart.

I have been banned from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn for daring to speak the truth publicly.

Yours in peace, love and fire.


If you want to look at approximately 0.001% of the research I have seen in the last few years, then have a look at this (click the image to open in a new window):

The Criminal Case in the Hague for Crimes Against Humanity — full docket in pdf format

I could go on and on and on for a long, long time but I’ll leave it there for now. I’ll add any more updates below with the date and edit time.

Added 5th Jan 2023 10:51 CET

Added 5th Jan 2023. 18:34 CET

Added 6th Jan 2023. 17:41 CST

Added 9th Jan 14:40 CET

Added 10th Jan 2023 - 11:17am CET

Added 10th Jan 2023 12:50 CET

 39/ Gates said the mRNA vaccines were supposed to reduce transmission and spread.

Fauci said with "50% of adults fully vaccinated," he felt "fairly certain" there wouldn't be any more surges.

7-months later, cases rose 7,500% and hit a new all-time high of 1.35 million per day. — kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) 9:01 PM ∙ Jan 3, 2023  


Lead author of peer reviewed research re-analysing Pfizer & Moderna trials on mRNA vaccine @JosephFraiman calls for immediate suspension of jab due to serious harms.

‘We have conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac death’

This is huge 🔥 — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 7:35 AM ∙ Jan 9, 2023  

Added 11 Jan 2023. 11:11am.

Brian Cates is the leading journalist in the USA in my opinion. I’ve loved his work in the past 2 or 3 years.

Added 11th January 2023 18:15 CET

11th January 2023. 19:25 CET

Added 13th Jan 2023 10:14 CET

Added 13 Jan 2023 11:28 CET


Cardiologist says likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is covid mRNA vaccine and roll out should be suspended pending an inquiry.

We did it. We broke mainstream broadcast media 🔥🔥🔥 — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 9:56 AM ∙ Jan 13, 2023  

 Pinning this. Lipid nanoparticles can cause brain inflammation, personality changes. They are designed to cross the blood-brain barrier. Do you agree that this discussion should have been censored by Twitter at the behest of the WH? — Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) 11:22 PM ∙ Jan 11, 2023  

Added 13th Jan 18:09

Added 14th Jan 2023 11:11am CET

 BREAKING: CDC to Investigate Link Between Strokes & COVID-19 Vaccines

"The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and then suffered a stroke" — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) 8:11 PM ∙ Jan 13, 2023  

Added 15th January 2023 9:27 am

 His son died from the Jab and FEMA wanted him to say it was Covid. — Johnny Midnight ⚡️ (@its_the_Dr) 1:18 AM ∙ Jan 14, 2023  

Added 15th Jan 2023 15:55

 All over the world. https://t.co/2KGcunChBX — Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) 1:35 PM ∙ Jan 15, 2023  

Added 15th Jan 18:00

 Former Bristol Myers Squibb Scientist:

“I am scared for everyone who has taken this.

What we do know is that the spike protein can bind to proteins in the brain that can cause long-term side effects potentially.

Everybody who’s taken it should be deeply concerned.” — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) 7:45 PM ∙ Jan 14, 2023  

Added 16th January 09:26


‘Post covid vaccine myocarditis is 28 TIMES MORE common than post covid myocarditis’

The fact that most people don’t know this is because of Big Pharma’s successful PR machinery (capture of institutions, medical journals & media) to deflect away from the ugly truth https://t.co/Qsjy4GGMFi — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 6:00 AM ∙ Jan 16, 2023  

Added 17th Jan 2023 09:54 CET

Added 17th Jan 2023 17:17

Added 18th Jan 2023 10:07 CET

 🔥 Sen. Ron Johnson calls out Fauci for funding the development of gain-of-function coronavirus bioweapons in a Chinese military laboratory.

•sabotaging early treatment

•experimenting on foster children

•mishandling AIDS

@WhitlockJason @SenRonJohnson — kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) 5:41 AM ∙ Jan 18, 2023  

 🔥 Steve Deace asked Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale Medical School, what is the biggest scandal of Covid-19❓

"The suppression of hydroxychloroquine and the amount of lives and people who died as a result of that."

— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) 6:30 AM ∙ Jan 18, 2023  

 🔥 Sen. Ron Johnson says Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former 30-year Senior VP at Pfizer, warned him that Pfizer lied about their mRNA shots:

"I know these people. I was educated with them. I know what they know. I know they are lying to us. I know they know they are lying to us." — kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) 6:15 AM ∙ Jan 18, 2023  

 The first step is [ EXPOSURE ]

— The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 11:26 AM ∙ Jan 19, 2023  

Added 20th Jan 2023 15:25 CET

 do you know of any influencers or celebrities who have apologised? Tag them below. — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 2:25 PM ∙ Jan 20, 2023  

Added 20th Jan 2023 18:42 CET

 Hey @Flying__Doc. 9 months ago, you were insulting unvaccinated people as de-brained and anti-social. Many of your followers cheered you for this. However, current events and data seem to prove the unvaccinated right. So, when will you publicly apologize for this lapse? — Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) 9:06 PM ∙ Jan 19, 2023  

Added 22nd Jan 2023 11:02 CET

 Arrest Fauci. — Kari Lake (@KariLake) 1:00 AM ∙ Jan 21, 2023  

 How about "over my dead body." https://t.co/AAWMrs1nDB — Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) 2:10 PM ∙ Jan 21, 2023  

 @ScottAdamsSays I had major side effects from my second booster shot. Felt like I was dying for several days. Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I dunno. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 7:22 AM ∙ Jan 21, 2023  

 @ScottAdamsSays And my cousin, who is young & in peak health, had a serious case of myocarditis. Had to go to the hospital. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 7:39 AM ∙ Jan 21, 2023  

 Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most COVID-19 Deaths Right Now? | KFF — Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) 7:40 AM ∙ Jan 22, 2023  

Added 22 Jan 2023 20:12 CET

 #LONDON: The march of the gene modification injured & killed: people hold photos to remember those who were killed by the injections. Where is the state? Where is the media? — Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) 11:07 PM ∙ Jan 21, 2023  

 THIS https://t.co/G9SBWVkCjC — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 1:33 PM ∙ Jan 23, 2023  

PPS. Don’t forget, Steve is the bad guy because he called out the lies, deceit, and misinformation.

 @tracybeanz @GenFlynn — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 2:16 PM ∙ Jan 23, 2023  

 Why did I go against the ‘vaccine’ narrative as a MD?

Because right in the beginning of the roll-out a person died of VITT (Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia). A way to serious complication.

The experiment should have ended right there. — Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) 7:24 PM ∙ Jan 23, 2023  

 RUN to order this book. Save lives. Summary of my appearance on @WarRoom explaining global depopulation esp of Western Europe, harms to babies about which the FDA knew — via the amazing @VigilantFox — Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) 7:37 PM ∙ Jan 23, 2023  

 Kids will remember a shot that made them sick with fever and vomiting. Mom will remember the trip to urgent care/ED. No one will forget the children who die with myocarditis/blood clots/MIS-C/VITT/GBS. #courageousdiscourse @TrialsiteN @c_plushie — Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ (@P_McCulloughMD) 7:17 PM ∙ Jan 23, 2023  

 Supported by Dr Michael Yeadon with 17,000 Physicians & Scientists declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AZ, & their enablers, withheld & willfully omitted safety information from patients & physicians which led to toxic death & should be immediately indicted for fraud — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 10:06 AM ∙ Jan 24, 2023  


According to a survey in USA estimated number of deaths due to covid 19 vaccines could be as high as 278,000 with 1 MILLION serious adverse events in 2021

These findings ‘should be fully investigated’ say authors in BMC Infectious Diseases.

bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11… https://t.co/S25HivpCZa — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 3:53 PM ∙ Jan 24, 2023  

 NOW — Bill Gates Trashes Current COVID Jabs But Teases New Option

“We think you can have…a thing that you can inhale that will mean you can’t be infected — an inhaled blocker.

The current vaccines are not infection blocking, they’re not broad, & they have very short duration.” — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) 10:50 PM ∙ Jan 24, 2023  

 My friends & I have predicted that Gates will blame the sudden deaths on farts.

To stop the fart deaths he will come out with a new mRNA butt plug to insert 24/7.

Governments will try to enforce this but they won't need to because most of the populace will do it willingly. — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 7:22 PM ∙ Jan 26, 2023  

 How many layers of deception exist in reality and how do you see through them? — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 1:35 PM ∙ Jan 28, 2023  

 I see through them by stepping up into The I AM part of this. Do it as well. Enjoy. — The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 2:49 PM ∙ Jan 28, 2023  


Eminent MIT Prof & expert on drug safety analytics @RetsefL calls for immediate suspension of all covid mRNA vaccines

‘They should stop because they cause an unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children’

This is huge 🔥

@elonmusk — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 6:20 AM ∙ Jan 30, 2023  

 This is a thread...🧵🧵

For the last 19 months I have used twitter to vent on my darkest days whilst suffering from my Astrazeneca vaccine injury, my last tweet was just another vent, and I did not expect it to get the response It has. — Megan (@MegJC28) 3:18 PM ∙ Aug 14, 2022  

Added 31st Jan 2023

 So many consequences since the intentional introduction of a biological agent into the bloodstream of humanity. Many consequences still remain unknown but none are likely to be positive.

Everyone needs to share this, especially women.

— The Steve Experience: Journalism & Fun (@HeartInitiation) 1:55 PM ∙ Jan 31, 2023  

 Study Funded By The NIH Finds That 40.2% Of Vaccinated Women Experienced Menstrual Changes

That means that over 40 million women in the United States have had their menstrual cycles affected by the C19 jab.

Source: t.me/childcovidvacc…

#Pfertility — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) 2:30 AM ∙ Feb 3, 2023  

 This is the summary analysis of the 50 000 pages Pfizer trial report, The report that Pfizer tried to hide, read the summary analysis you will see why. These experimental ‘vaccines’ should never have been given emergency approval by anyone. — Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) 6:30 AM ∙ Feb 6, 2023  


1. People were scammed into believing there was a deadly virus; when the only evidence of it was on mainstream media.

2. People were scammed into masking two-year-old’s; — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


shutting down schools; and damaging their children physically & psychologically.

3. People were scammed into believing in a fake test, and subjecting their children to this invasive & uncomfortable procedure; for as little as a sniffle at daycare. — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


4. People were scammed into believing that healthy people were asymptomatic carriers of disease.

5. People were scammed into believing therapeutics had to be banned; & they needed to wait until they were deathly ill to go to a hospital—many were killed by the Fauci protocol. — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


6. People were scammed into believing the world had to be shut down; economies & livelihoods destroyed, millions impoverished—while politicians & their buddies got richer.

7. People were scammed into believing that it was safe to shop in big box stores; — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


but local mom & pop stores had to shut their doors—or face massive fines and jail time.

8. People were scammed into believing that printing trillions of dollars WOULD NOT drive inflation through the roof; even though that is the definition of inflation. — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


9. People were scammed into believing that natural immunity was no good; & that pharma (known criminal organizations) had the solution in the form of an experimental DNA-altering poison; that previously had killed all animals in animal studies. — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


10. People were scammed into believing they had to give an experimental poison to their children to save their lives—from a virus that posed no threat to children (the only threat being from injected poisons). — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


11. People were scammed into believing the most ridiculous ideas presented on mainstream media—heart disease in children is normal; people (including elite athletes) dropping dead in large numbers is normal—even though their own life-experience told them otherwise. — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


12. People were/are scammed into believing that Covid-2019 (NOT the mass injections beginning Dec 2020) is causing all manner of nightmarish health problems; including Sudden Deaths by the boatload—aggressive cancers—liver failure—blood clots—uncontrolled bleeding, etc. etc.— — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


and NOT the death jabs that Pfizer stated could cause all of those things. Those problems didn’t occur in 2020 during the worst of the “pandemic” or any time prior to the Mass mRNA Vaxx Program.

13. People were/are scammed into believing that politicians can save them; — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  


the same politicians who are destroying everything near & dear—including their children! The same politicians that are chosen by the Bilderberg Group (since 1954/see video Part 15).

14. People still refuse to believe that governments and their masters want all of the money; — Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 2:45 AM ∙ Feb 5, 2023  

 @NimmaSPIT @vgclements1 — SuperFringe (@JAndrewKent) 10:43 PM ∙ Feb 6, 2023  


— Vince Clements (@vgclements1) 6:52 PM ∙ Feb 6, 2023  

 BREAKING NEWS: Swiss President and the Minister of Health are under investigation, indictment, and prosecution by the Attorney General for Covid Crimes involving lying about the vaccine effectiveness and safety. Thailand convening war crime tribunals to nullify Pfizer Contracts. — Truth Justice ™ (@SpartaJustice) 8:07 PM ∙ Feb 7, 2023  

10th Feb 2023

“Given all that we have learned about the dangers and ineffectiveness of COVID-19 shots over the last two years, it is horrifying to see the CDC now recommend this as a routine shot to children.” — Mary Holland, CHD president + general counsel


 HOLY $H!T... The former Twitter executives are F***ED, and so is the FBI. Rep. Nancy Mace may have just single-handedly sent them all to GITMO! #TwitterFiles #FBI #NancyMace — Matt Clark (@MattClarkReport) 7:53 PM ∙ Feb 10, 2023  

 “They intend to inject each of us ten times over with mRNA ~ I think that will kill everybody” Dr Mike Yeadon — Janey (@_Janey_J) 11:35 AM ∙ Feb 12, 2023  

 “These aren’t vaccines - these are gene based products, the government are cheating and lying and not putting them under the scrutiny of a gene based product protocol for regulatory approval. The platform must be stopped” ~ Dr Ryan Cole — Janey (@_Janey_J) 11:44 AM ∙ Feb 12, 2023  

 MURDER CASE: Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla the accused are habitual offenders of earning profits by selling vaccines with death causing side effects and therefore, they are in the category of "Mass Murderers". The minimum punishment for such offenses is the death penalty. India. — Truth Justice ™ (@SpartaJustice) 8:27 AM ∙ Jan 15, 2023  

 Who knew — Janey (@_Janey_J) 1:48 PM ∙ Feb 12, 2023  

 Eric Clapton knows… — David Vance (@DVATW) 7:17 AM ∙ Feb 13, 2023  


Dr. Drew makes a U-Turn!

“I want to start with a very sincere apology…”

Probably the highest profile TV doctor making a U-Turn to date!!

He joins a list of experts who U-Turned in recent months.. I listed them in my Week #5 update here!

pharmafiles.substack.com/p/week-5-news-… — aussie17 (@_aussie17) 10:41 AM ∙ Feb 13, 2023  

 Vaccine Disaster, Best Case Scenario: "We're Talking About 600 Million People Incapacitated"

If about 3 billion people took mRNA shots, and 7 to 15% of the batches had severe adverse events, that's around 300 million people with permanent death and disability. — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) 7:22 PM ∙ Feb 13, 2023  

 Spike Protein Straight to the Brain: We're Going to See a Surge of Neurodegenerative Disease

@stephanieseneff: "People will get them earlier than they would have, and more people will get them than would have gotten it without these vaccines." — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) 8:30 PM ∙ Feb 14, 2023  

17/02/23 - Biontech/Pfizer's mRNA vaccine approval may have been based on incorrect documentation, WELT reports.

There are increasing doubts about the data from the pivotal phase 3 study. Pfizer dodges the allegations and refuses a review.

In addition, "EMA e-mails obtained by WELT reveal that the FDA, the British MHRA, and the EMA had already agreed on the timing of the approval [of the vaccines] before they even had a chance to look at the Pfizer documents."

 @DrLoupis They killed my 18 yr old daughter! They should be in prison! #Pfizer shot batch fn2908 killed her on Nov 9th. Hold them accountable! #stoptheshotsnow #JusticeForTrista — Taylor Forrest Martin (@AtTheMartins) 11:40 PM ∙ Feb 18, 2023  

 Ooh look, 3 yrs later NBC's reporting what we all knew in 2020.

Natural Immunity For The Win. — Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW) 8:14 PM ∙ Feb 17, 2023  

 Anyone still confused about whether the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a toxin?

— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) 2:26 PM ∙ Feb 19, 2023  

 Pfizer and the FDA knew of devastating neurological effects; they kept injecting people anyway.

— Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) 11:02 PM ∙ Feb 20, 2023  

 "58% miscarriage rate in the vaccinated"

"This is an absolute disaster"

Great interview by


Thank you @LozzaFox and @GBNEWS for being a platform for truth and freedom, despite pressure from @Ofcom https://t.co/VqQxlxQiKe — Dr Ahmad Malik (@DocAhmadMalik) 5:29 PM ∙ Feb 25, 2023  

 Canadian Government Official Shocks the World With Heartfelt Apology for Vaccine Mandates

"I believe that this policy was mistakenly adopted 12 months ago."

"With all my heart, I extend my apologies to those who were affected negatively by this policy."

— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) 4:33 PM ∙ Mar 5, 2023  


‘the official journal of German Cardiac Society, reveals that those (athletes) who died suddenly were likely killed by the COVID vaccine’

More brilliance from Trade Union leader & chief orchestrator of Mandela’s prison release @Jay_Naidoo

— Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) 3:06 PM ∙ Mar 12, 2023  

 JAPAN - The Government is urged to tell the truth about the huge number of vaccine injuries and excess deaths. Stating deaths in the vaccinated are 38 times higher than after the flu vaccine.

Oh …

— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) 7:45 AM ∙ Mar 14, 2023  

 At last a MSM newspaper comes out with the truth on vaccine harms.

— Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) 7:00 AM ∙ Mar 17, 2023  

 We need more support for the victims of experimental Cov 19 harms in our Parliament. Hats off to the brave Australian Senators. You are fighting for all the victims around the World.

— Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) 6:16 PM ∙ Mar 25, 2023  

 Interesting figures, which should make people think. — Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) 9:48 AM ∙ Mar 28, 2023  

 A message for the vaccinated. — Mark Attwood (@MarkAttwood) 10:59 PM ∙ Jan 28, 2023  

 The shit is about to hit the fan 👺 — karma (@karma44921039) 11:49 AM ∙ Mar 31, 2023  

 🧵THREAD: Joe Rogan and Michael Shellenberger discuss the censorship industrial complex, @elonmusk, the Twitter Files, vaccine injuries, the increase in all-cause mortality, and The Real Anthony Fauci.

"Ordinary people were trying to tell the stories of the side effects they… https://t.co/FXbp1w3ZTG — kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) 6:01 AM ∙ Apr 2, 2023  

9th July 2023

21 September 2023

22 September 2023

21st October 2023

The first Debate on excess deaths anywhere in the world. This was the first time, a government minister anywhere in the world answered concerns about the global problem of excess deaths

6th November 2023

PPPS. If you have been affected by the ongoing attack by psychopathic vaccine influencers, the government, and the Silicon Valley pricks who have no remorse for their actions, do one thing… tell them to get fucked. Once you have done that, keep all the evidence of their likely criminal activities for a future date in court.

It’s difficult to understand why people live in denial - this article might assist you https://mantracare.org/therapy/what-is/denial-in-psychology/

God save the children.

Here are some people doing some great fighting online with truth:

A Question For Those Who Work In The Legal System:

Why was anyone allowed to post about this without a warning that there were no Randomized Controlled Trials for the mRNA vaccines? RCTs are known as the Gold Standard in the medical world.

Let me know.


Final Conclusion

The criminal enterprise must be taken apart at every single level that I AM/WE ARE. This means that the ones who will not apologise for their posts must be investigated to see if they are legally compromised. The lawyers and judges must work for the side of truth and they must not be legally compromised. This must happen and it must happen as soon as humanly possible.

I personally would love for all the influencers, celebrities and media to explain themselves.

Best wishes to everyone on this journey to the truth.

 Detox from Spike Proteins: Here's How in Under Two Minutes

1.) Ivermectin - Binds tightly to spike protein. It can prevent the virus from entering the cells, and it can prevent the virus from replicating.

2.) Suramin - Like ivermectin, it prevents spike protein from binding to… https://t.co/uH0dGITknD — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) 8:50 PM ∙ Mar 23, 2023  

Posted from Wholistic Health Telegram channel:




🍒 Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.

🍒 NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

🍒 Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.

🍒 Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.

🍒 Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions.

🍒Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.

🍒 Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.

🍒 Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.

🍒 Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.

🍒 Dandelion Root — blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.

🍒 Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.

🍒 Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.

🍒 Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.

🍒Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.

Here is some of my co-creative work that might help you:

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Since 2007, Steve has been investigating reality in-depth and he still continues to do so every single day. He infiltrates corrupt new age communities such as kink, tantra, shamanism, and ‘light leaders’.

For more than a decade, Steve's investigations have taken him on a deep dive into the following subjects:

  • Dating

  • Relationships

  • Attraction

  • Love

  • Self-Love & Self-Care

  • Emotional Mastery

  • Quantum Meditation

  • Shamanism

  • Psychedelics

  • Sacred Sexuality

  • The Bible

  • The Nag Hammadi Scriptures

  • Health & Nutrition

  • How To Heal The Body

  • How To Heal The Mind

  • How To Heal The Heart

  • How To Heal The Soul

  • How To Heal The Inner Child

  • The Holy Trinity Within & How To Access It

  • The Relationship Between Integrity & The I AM (The Higher Self)

  • The War Between Good & Evil

  • Cellular Resonance Therapy

  • Spontaneous Healing

  • Comedy & The Importance of Humour

  • Geo-Political Warfare

  • The Corruption of America

  • The Corruption of The British Government

  • The Corruption of The BBC

  • Psychological Warfare

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Christ Consciousness & Consciousness Itself

  • Truth vs Deception & Lies

  • The Corruption In Worldwide Media, Social Media, & Culture

  • The Great Awakening

  • How To Clear Entities

  • How To Embody Truth

  • How To Align With Your Divine Plan

  • How To Take Back & Embody Your Own Power, Pleasure, & Purpose

  • How To Consistently Rebirth Yourself Into New Vibrations of Consciousness With No Psychedelics or Drugs (Via Your I AM Self & Your Soul)

  • How To Live In A Divine Flow State

  • How To Live In Harmony With All Of Creation

  • The Importance Of Boundaries & Lighting Your Inner Fire

& much more.